• June Reads

                Another nine books down last month. I seriously cannot express how much I am loving the Libby app right now. I never would have thought I’d be just thirteen books away from my goal for the year at the start of July. It makes me wonder if I can get to 100 books in…

  • Tips for listening to Audiobooks

    Listening to audiobooks is an adjustment. Especially if you multitask like I do. I listen to audiobooks at work and while cleaning, so sometimes my train of thought gets interrupted by an outside source. But I’ve gotten used to it for the sake of wanting to get through more books than the time in a…

  • An Ode to Audiobooks

      Dear Audiobooks,   Without you in my life, I don’t know where I would be. Reading in print takes so much time and devoted energy that I just never have anymore. But then I found you, sweet audio, and my life has changed forever. Once I was able to devour multiple paperbacks and hardbacks…