• Retail Life #29

                One of my pet peeves about customers is when they blame everything in their lives on us retail workers. They come in the store and yell at us for things that are completely out of our control. It gets worse during the holidays because there is more stress going around in general. But that…

  • Retail Life #25

             So I’ve concluded that I might need a vacation. I’m a little too grouchy all the time. Either that or everyone else is too grouchy and want to take it out on the poor retail workers. Because we’re supposed to just let people yell at us and give them their way all the time.…

  • Retail Life #18

    People When I am holding my hand out, put the money IN MY HAND not on the counter. Maybe if you took your hand out of your pocket you could put your stuff on the counter easier. When I double bag something, don’t take it out of the second bag. Its going to break. And…

  • Retail Rant

  • Retail Life. Christmas Edition.

    Another Christmas in retail has passed. And people are still something else. I can’t wait for the day that I won’t be working in a store where people will yell at me for them not planning ahead. Because it’s never the workers fault that you didn’t come buy your gifts until the week of. We…

  • Honesty Rant

              So, I’m just going have a little rant about being overworked and overtired. This week’s blog post was supposed to be the next installment of my ghost story, but I just didn’t manage to get it written. I feel like a total slacker, but I just haven’t had motivation. I don’t believe in writer’s…

  • The Holiday Ahhhhhh!’s

  • Christmas is Coming

  • Retail Life Episode 8

    Cash register pet peeves. If you’ve ever been any kind of cashier, you can likely relate to most of these.   -“Do you take checks?’ Yup, we sure do, but you don’t have to fill it out. But of course they’re going to fill it out because it’s easier to keep a record of. Sure.…

  • Girl Pants are Lame

    I’ve recently swayed to the leggings are life team. And here’s why Girl pants are the absolute worst. They never fit properly. If you’re short with curves, you always end up with pants that are too long. If you have a thin waist but big thighs, you can’t get your pants to go up all…