• Writing Tips 5

             As I plot out my next book and finish up the first draft of my writing tips project, I keep coming back to the subject of character development. Because we all know that the most important part of any book is who the stuff happens to. If no one cares about your main character,…

  • Writing Tips 4

    I’m deep into the plotting of my new series that I hope to write in the next year. And as I’ve been working through my plotting process in real time, I’ve been making notes to include in the book I hope to have out this fall and thought I’d compile a bit of it here…

  • Character Time

    This week I’m going to talk about how I discover my characters when plotting a book. And I have a super hot tip on how to handle writers block! Check back on Thursday to read about it!

  • Plotter and Pantser

    I have made significant progress on my nonfiction project in the last month. It’s a bit of a mess, but at least it’s a mess on paper and I can clean it up and make something interesting out of in the end. What I’ve been thinking about recently is the plotter vs. pantser argument. And…

  • Shameless Self Promo

    So. This book came out on February 28th. Anyway. On Thursday, I’ll ramble about my writing process some more. And I wrote this collection of short stories using that writing process. Just sayin.

  • Book Binder Layout

             This year I’ve taken on another type of writing project; a non-fiction book on the writing process. My original outline for this had literally every step of the journey, and I realized that it would be waaayyyy too much for one book. So, I pruned it down and thought I’d go one step at…

  • Plotting Resources

    I’ve read soooo many books that have helped me develop my writing process, but these three were the main ones that helped me with plotting. On Thursday I go into more detail about my plotting routine.