• Snow Was Falling pt 2

    Moving further into the trees proved harder than I’d imagined. We had to be more quiet than we’d been before, with the chance of guards working their way towards us for Max’s body. And Lillian kept stepping on branches, no matter how many times Steph or I shushed her. After a couple of tense minutes,…

  • Death is a Roommate 2

    Scott moved in the next day. Well, I say moved in, but he arrived the next morning with one small suitcase and a large bag slung over one shoulder. And apparently that was all he needed because he didn’t make a second trip and he never mentioned anything about having anything else. But I suppose…

  • Now Write Exercise Two

    Now Write Exercise Two – Jule Selbo Pick the clear genre (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or thriller – I picked horror) The first scene needs to make it clear and also introduce the character List possible sub-genres to support your story (I picked paranormal) Frame the story in the overriding genre ** So I didn’t feel…