• 2018 Wrap Up

    **It’s been a year since I started this blog!** So many things have happened in 2018. First off, business wise, I have done pretty well. I’ve been able to keep up with my monthly goals this year almost 100% which is awesome for me. I’ve read 44 of the 50 books I wanted to read…

  • The Monsters in the Attic

    Step 1: Describe your least favorite room in your childhood home. “The Bee Room” One summer, the unused basement room was infested with bees. There was a small hole in the wall and they infiltrated. No one went in there, but you could hear the buzzing if you stood by the door. I was terrified…

  • DIY MFA Prompt: The Name Game

    Prompt: Pick first and last name from the provided list. Answer a few character questions. Begin a scene with the provided line of dialogue (You think you know what it’s like, but you don’t) and write until you fill the page. DIY MFA Name Game * “You think you know what it’s like, but you…

  • On Hashish AKA The Family Trip

    This wasn’t our first rodeo. We ground it up, put it in orange juice and chugged it down. Blech. We made ugly faces and got something else to drink, then sat down to wait. Our night began with Netflix, but once the colors started to run – when the sounds made twists and turns before…