• Retail Life episode 12

    Shoplifters                 First, a disclaimer to all shoplifters: 90% of the time, the workers know exactly what you’re doing. You aren’t sneaky. It’s just a matter of time before we catch you. And then you need to ask yourself, is it really worth it?                 People will steal anything.                 Any time I hire a…

  • Keeping up With Life

    So I’m having a baby soon (yayy!) Like…very very soon. Like in four weeks (ahh!) And perhaps a little bit of panic has set in. Or a lot of panic. Anywho… I’m struggling with life. My day job is sucking all the energy out of me and when I come home all I want to…

  • Experiment TCA-276 (pt4)

                    “I think they’re breaking in,” Morgan said, leaning out of the office door. “I think I heard glass breaking,”                 “Okay…” Rita’s jaw was clenched and she was sweating as she tried to keep her leg still. “There’s a security door that closes over the stairway… The key pad is on the wall… Type…3-4-6-7…

  • March Reads

                    In the month of March, I read four books and met my goal. Three of the books (!!) were on my overall reading list and I was able to mark them off. I also started a book journal this month to better record my thoughts and feelings about the books that I read. The…