• Twurkey Turkey

    I had to see this, so now you do to! Happy turkey day!

  • Turkey Day

                HAPPY THANKSGIVING!          So, first we’ll be cheesy and I’ll talk about what I’m thankful for. There are the obvious ones of my health and my family and my home, of course; always thankful for those things. Then we have work. I’m thankful to have a job that allows me to live my life…

  • Retail Life. Christmas Edition.

    Another Christmas in retail has passed. And people are still something else. I can’t wait for the day that I won’t be working in a store where people will yell at me for them not planning ahead. Because it’s never the workers fault that you didn’t come buy your gifts until the week of. We…

  • The Holiday Ahhhhhh!’s

  • Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving!           I love this holiday because I love food. And I guess seeing my family is cool sometimes too :p           So, here’s a stereotypical post about what I’m thankful for; My tiny human. I really didn’t think I’d ever become a mom because of my health issues. But then, surprise! I love…