• October Reads

             Cheers to another successful reading month. Five books this time around and two were off my reading list. I only have to read four more books to reach my goal of fifty for the year (and that’ll be a piece of cake at this rate) and barely more than that are on my reading…

  • September Reads

                Another four books down this month. One of them was from my overall reading list, and now I only have eight books left on there to get through before the end of the year. This month I didn’t read a craft book, though. I’ve spent more time reading blogs and listening to podcasts about…

  • August Reads

             This month I dropped back down to just the four books goal. Which is totally fine! I’m not disappointed in the slightest, because I know I was using my time in other ways that were also productive. I spent more time on editing my next book and doing marketing research. But since I could…

  • July Reads

             I’m pleased to say that July was a very successful month for reading. I read SIX books. Two of them were off my overall reading list, too. And they were all book books instead of audiobooks. I almost finished an audiobook, but the To Be Yours series sucked me in and I had to…

  • June Reads

                Another month, another four books down. I read another two books off my overall reading list and I’m feeling excited about achieving my goals this year. Dune by Frank Herbert          This is one of my friend’s favorite books. I watched him read it more than once and I knew I had to see…

  • Reading List Progress

    Knocking out my reading list 📚

  • May Reads

    Yay, I read four books again. And I marked three books off my overall reading list! That’s a special accomplishment in my opinion. On top of that, those three were all physical books and only the fourth book was an audiobook. I love that I’m getting back to real reading again. Audiobooks totally count, but…

  • April Reads

    This month has been very successful. I’ve done more physical reading than I have in a while. Plus, I finished two books off my overall reading list. I really think this is the point where I can continue to make my goals without too much stress.   The Changeling by Victor LaValle  Emotionally, this book had…

  • March Reads

    Ten (million) points to me this month. I read enough books, I read books, and I (finally) finished my first craft book of the year. Similarly, I was able to check one book off of my overall reading list. So yeah, go me.   Avoiding Fate by Angela White  This was the next installment of the Life after…

  • What are Book Ends?