• You Make me Want to Shout!

    People are great. Really. I just kind of want to scream once in a while.

  • Retail Life #18

    People When I am holding my hand out, put the money IN MY HAND not on the counter. Maybe if you took your hand out of your pocket you could put your stuff on the counter easier. When I double bag something, don’t take it out of the second bag. Its going to break. And…

  • Retail Rant

  • Retail Life. Christmas Edition.

    Another Christmas in retail has passed. And people are still something else. I can’t wait for the day that I won’t be working in a store where people will yell at me for them not planning ahead. Because it’s never the workers fault that you didn’t come buy your gifts until the week of. We…

  • Retail Life episode 17

              There’s one type of customer I hate above all others. The scammer. These people feel so entitled that they find ways to get things for free, steal money, or to trick you into giving them more than what you’re supposed to in change. I have zero patience for these people and I don’t care…

  • Get Caught Stealing

    To go along with Thursday’s post, here’s some ridiculousness for your viewing pleasure.

  • Retail Life Episode #16

                    Some people have a lot of nerve. They think they can get away with anything. They have probably gotten away with a lot of stuff when no one was paying attention. They get gutsy. They get brave. They get stupid. They get caught.                 Example number one; Older man walks into the store. I’m…

  • Customer is Always Wrong

    Don’t get mad when you’re the one breaking the rules. Excuse me while I roll my eyes into the back of my head.

  • #RetailLife

    Come back on Thursday for a retail rant!

  • Retail Life Episode 14

                    Sometimes I just don’t know how people rationalize their behavior. I thought we were supposed to stop throwing tantrums when we were children. And yet, working in retail, I’ve seen grown adults throw a fit. I’ve seen senior citizens basically stomp their feet because they didn’t get their way. I just don’t get it.…