• Story Cube #3

    Story Cubes: Circus tent, gears, beaker with liquid, jewel necklace, stressed face, exclamatory star, monkey, mountain cave entrance, and glasses.   “Bring the table over here,” Mademoiselle Fiona said. She pointed to the dimly lit corner of the tent and then grabbed her cushioned chair to follow behind her helper. She went back for her tattered suitcase…

  • Tarot Card Prompt #1

    “Hey, Leah, you wanna come get a drink with us after work?” Beatrice asked from the other side of the kitchen.   “Um.” Leah focused on her task of wrapping the silverware for next shift and tried to think of a reason to say no. One that was different from what she usually told them. “I don’t think…

  • Tarot Card Prompt

  • Story Cube #2

    “Everyone clear on the plan?” Dad asked.  “Yup,” Mom said and I nodded.   “Okay, let’s get set. See you both at the boat.” Dad gave us each a hug and a kiss before he ducked under the flap of our tent.   “Good luck sweetie, I know you’ll do great.” Mom gave me a kiss too…

  • Story Cubes #1

    “Damnit,” Jerry muttered and slapped the steering wheel. The car sputtered and then came to a stop.   “I told you -”  “Shut up.” Jerry said.  “We should have gotten gas at that last station.”  “And I said shut up!”  I rolled my eyes and cast a look around at our surroundings. “There’s a diner. Let’s go…

  • Story Cubes

    Recently I acquired these lovely dice. I’ve decided to incorporate them into my writing prompt posts. Come back Thursday to see what I made with these images.

  • About Me?

                    I’ve been spending time trying to revamp my website. All the changes are saved as a draft at the moment because I want to launch them all together. I think I’ve done a pretty good job and it’s almost ready, but… I can’t figure out how to change my “about me.”                 I’m so…

  • DIY MFA prompt: A Book that Changed My Life

                    I need to go to the bookstore! I’m out of informational books to read. So, when I am stuck in a place like this, I turn to the DIY MFA website to read articles to learn me some knowledge (and possibly find suggestions on more books to buy!).                 As I perused through several…

  • DIY MFA Book Prompt

    Use Description to Reflect Emotion *Describe the way a character sees a room. Three separate occasions with the character in different states of mind. The mood influences how they see the room* -The room: The Kitchen- Mood 1: Being chased by someone and is terrified                 Shana dashed into the kitchen. Looking over her shoulder,…

  • DIY MFA Book Club Prompts

    I’ve gotten a little behind on the book club prompts, but only because I had to honor my reality for a bit. We just moved into a new house, and that takes up a lot of your free time. Especially when I didn’t have any time off from the day job to get things done.…