• Character Time

    This week I’m going to talk about how I discover my characters when plotting a book. And I have a super hot tip on how to handle writers block! Check back on Thursday to read about it!

  • More Creative Penn for your Day

    I know I gush about Joanna Penn enough, but I would literally be lost without her podcast/newsletter/books etc, etc. So on the theme of plotting, planning, and all that nonsense I rambled on about on Thursday, here’s another one of her interviews.

  • Plotter and Pantser

    I have made significant progress on my nonfiction project in the last month. It’s a bit of a mess, but at least it’s a mess on paper and I can clean it up and make something interesting out of in the end. What I’ve been thinking about recently is the plotter vs. pantser argument. And…

  • Description Writing Tips

    Here’s a short video I found that gives some great tips on writing better descriptions using your senses.

  • New Craft Book Alert

    Got this book in recently. I hope it helps me develop better skills in describing the setting and characters in my books. Also, had to include my cheat day candy bar 🙃

  • My Creative Process

    I’ve begun a side project for myself this last week. Something I’ve been advised to do from several books and blogs. I’m compiling a little notebook with all of my #1 tips. This notebook can go with me anywhere. Any time I’m working away from home, I will have anything I might need at my…