• My Creative Process

    I’ve begun a side project for myself this last week. Something I’ve been advised to do from several books and blogs. I’m compiling a little notebook with all of my #1 tips. This notebook can go with me anywhere. Any time I’m working away from home, I will have anything I might need at my…

  • Story Cube #2

    “Everyone clear on the plan?” Dad asked.  “Yup,” Mom said and I nodded.   “Okay, let’s get set. See you both at the boat.” Dad gave us each a hug and a kiss before he ducked under the flap of our tent.   “Good luck sweetie, I know you’ll do great.” Mom gave me a kiss too…

  • Story Cubes #1

    “Damnit,” Jerry muttered and slapped the steering wheel. The car sputtered and then came to a stop.   “I told you -”  “Shut up.” Jerry said.  “We should have gotten gas at that last station.”  “And I said shut up!”  I rolled my eyes and cast a look around at our surroundings. “There’s a diner. Let’s go…

  • Ghost Stories 5 Part 4

    Winter  Linda watched Shawn place the “For Sale” sign in the lawn and then turned back to the kitchen. Angie was preoccupied destroying a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the table and she didn’t notice Linda wipe the tears from her face. Linda was happy, sad, and scared all at once. She knew they needed to be…

  • Technical Difficulties

    My laptop is down ETA on issue being fixed is unknown Entering blog posts on my phone is possible but difficult I will return to my regular posting schedule as soon as possible

  • Vanilla

    Exercise: Think of a scent Write all words/phrases associated with it Write a scene with the same emotions Scent: Vanilla Words/Phrases: Her, high school, band bus, color guard room, skipping class, taste, cake, frosting, firsts Scene:           Jenny was mid-sentence when she caught a whiff of the perfume. She paused and looked around for the…

  • Retail Life Episode #16

                    Some people have a lot of nerve. They think they can get away with anything. They have probably gotten away with a lot of stuff when no one was paying attention. They get gutsy. They get brave. They get stupid. They get caught.                 Example number one; Older man walks into the store. I’m…

  • Ghost Story #3

                    “Where are we?” Mary asked. She peered out the window, but it was too dark to see anything. When Jack didn’t answer, she smacked his arm. “Are we lost?”                 “No.” Jack squinted and leaned over the steering wheel.                 “Then what’s this street called?” He said nothing. “Jack! What the hell?” She pulled…

  • Just a Thought

                    The other day I had a thought…                 When do we stop being fearless?                 As a child I remember climbing the tree in my front yard as high as the branches would hold me. I was way up high, even with the second-floor windows of our house. Even though I was super afraid…

  • Ghost Story #2

    Ghost Story #2

                    The building was old, that much was clear. The front lobby might have been redone to give the impression it was still a strong structure, but the bones were deteriorating. The old gym, attached to the back, hadn’t been worked on in over fifty years. There were holes in the bleachers, the old-fashioned lights…