
Happy Thanksgiving!

          I love this holiday because I love food. And I guess seeing my family is cool sometimes too :p

          So, here’s a stereotypical post about what I’m thankful for;

  1. My tiny human. I really didn’t think I’d ever become a mom because of my health issues. But then, surprise! I love him to pieces and I couldn’t be happier.
  2. My boyfriend, since he gave me tiny human. He’s my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without him in my life.
  3. His not so tiny human that was part of the package when we got together 😊 He showed me that I would be okay at this whole mom thing. Plus, he’s freakin’ hilarious.
  4. The fam. I’ve come to realize how lucky I am to have such a close and supportive family. I didn’t know that it wasn’t like that for everyone when I was growing up.

Tell me what you’re thankful for this year. And go eat some food. Eat an extra serving for me. Gobble gobble.