Where Ideas Come From

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a notebook with random ideas in it. It started as a pocket notebook, but grew into a normal size book. There’s also a folder along with it now, with pictures, notecards, and snippets printed off the internet.

I strongly advise any writer to do the same. Because you never know when you’ll forget that great idea you had. We all think we’ll remember, because the idea was just too exceptional. But trust me when I say write it down. It comes in handy when you try to write and feel you’re out of inspiration.

Which brings me to my point. A few weeks ago, I felt like I had no more ideas for short stories to write on here. I’ve been working so hard on my books that I didn’t feel like there was anything let in my brain to write on here for a blog post.

But then it came to me; I’d go through my idea notebook.

There are several ideas in there that I will probably never use for a full-length book. Mostly because I had the idea when I was a teenager and the plan would turn into a YA book or a romance, and as we’ve previously discussed, those just aren’t my jam. BUT I could use them for blog posts.

So, on Thursday, get ready for part one of a short story. The idea came from Tumblr. I can’t claim any rights to the original idea, just the story that came from it. But I hope you enjoy it.