• It’s Book Launch Day!

    It’s the day! Get your copy today!

  • Big News Big News

    Saturday is book launch day! And I’m so very excited about this book being out and available to the public. I’ve worked on it for a long time and it will be my first full length novel to be published. This was the first book I wrote after my emotional hiatus so that alone makes…

  • Books on the Horizon

    In case you’ve been under a rock and missed all the times I’ve mentioned it already…. MY BOOK COMES OUT ON SATURDAY! And I’m so nervous and excited and ready for it to be over and all the other crazy feelings that I can’t quite explain. BUT overall, it’s amazing and I can’t wait for…

  • A Touch of Humor

    So, I mentioned loving vampire, werewolves, and magical nonsense. And I know everyone’s first thought jumped to Twilight. Full disclaimer, I enjoyed the books enough to read all of them and see the movies. Wasn’t a fan of the movies. But eh. Anyway, here are the best of rifftrax of the first one for your…

  • Jillian’s New Powers

                I stood at the edge of our land and looked out over the woods below. The wind whipped my hair around my face, and it stuck in my mouth and the corners of my eyes. From a distance, the bright red color must have looked like a flame. The idea left me craving a…

  • A Book from Long Ago

    When I was nineteen, I wrote books about vampires and werewolves and other magical stuff. Because I love that stuff. Anyway, this is one of them. And on Thursday you can read the first chapter. Let me know if it sounds like something that needs to be fully rewritten for the world to see.

  • American Horror Story

    Probably my favorite AHS season since I love witchy things. So, I thought it would fit to pair with this week’s post. Enjoy.

  • A Witch’s Prelude

    *The following is a pre-writing exercise for my current writing project. Jaycie is the antagonist and here is a look inside her head on where her anger comes from*             I remember the first day I saw Nadine. It was my third day of final school and she was in the graduating class, four years…

  • Never too Early for Halloween

    I’m always thinking about Halloween, and of course Hocus Pocus. And since my Thursday post will be a little witchy snippet from my current writing project, I thought this would be a fitting Tuesday post to pair with it.

  • Built in Bookshelves

    I spend too much time daydreaming about my forever home. And while the layout of the kitchen or the floor plan is up in the air, one thing that never changes is my desire for a library. And I’ve imagined a million different ways for this library to look, including just splitting a regular room…