• Retail Ugh

    *eleven years Check back Thursday to read all about the people that annoy me 😊

  • Retail Life Episode 31

    It’s been a minute since I posted a retail story, so how about we talk about that today? I hope the gap doesn’t suggest I have had no one get on my nerves, because that sure is a daily occurrence, ha. But I’ve worked at this store for almost eleven (ELEVEN) years now, so I’m…

  • Customer Fail

    This week we return to tales from hell – I mean retail 🙃

  • Shoplifters aren’t Smart

    This was a little amusing to watch. At least this guy wasn’t yelling about getting caught. Probably the most civil confrontation I’ve ever seen.

  • Retail Life Episode 30

    Hey, we survived Christmas mayhem and now we’re back to business as usual. Which, of course, doesn’t mean people are any more pleasant, but at least they aren’t hurrying around to buy last-minute gifts anymore. But one side effect of the post-Christmas atmosphere is that people are broke. And what do broke people tend to…

  • Nice try, but No

    Something about this is all wrong. Like maybe reduced stickers should be on the front of the product. And not ripped in the middle. But people do interesting things when they’re feeling brave. Come back Thursday to hear more about how this went down.

  • Customer Types

    Something humorous for this week’s retail episodes. I’ve seen every one of these types of people in my store. *** Also, if you are so inclined to hear from me in more depth on my writing life, I’ve started a monthly newsletter! And you can sign up to be included HERE! ***

  • Retail Life #29

                One of my pet peeves about customers is when they blame everything in their lives on us retail workers. They come in the store and yell at us for things that are completely out of our control. It gets worse during the holidays because there is more stress going around in general. But that…

  • Tis the Season

    Everyone’s a little cranky this year, of course with everything else going on. But seriously people…get it together. *** Also, if you are so inclined to hear from me in more depth on my writing life, I’ve started a monthly newsletter! And you can sign up to be included HERE! ***

  • Retail Life 28

                The last month or so of my retail job hasn’t been too awful. There’s the normal “I can’t believe your bathroom’s broken” still happening and the “When are you gonna get more lysol/clorox wipes/rubbing alcohol/paper towels” every few days. But it’s become bearable. The overall rage people expressed through the first few months of…