• Don’t Call it a Comeback

    Better this week. And I’m going to attempt to do a little more work and I’ve written out a schedule to hopefully keep myself from fizzling again.  Good news, my website is fixed and so is the mailer lite issue. With that weight off my back, I feel like I can breathe again. And I’m…

  • Baby, it’s cold outside

    Another great week of being productive. Got a little behind in the middle of the week, but still marked everything off by the end of it. And the part I like the most is only have a few small things to finish up over the weekend. I’m trying really hard to have a good work/life…

  • 1 Down, 51 to Go

    Hit the ground running with a great first week. Marked literally everything off the list and I didn’t even have anything to ‘catch up’ on during the weekend. It was nice and I hope it foreshadows a very productive year. I’ve got another full board of tasks this week and I’m excited to get going. …