• Meet Violet

    Violet (Vi) Grace Hughes Grace – what a joke. She’s the most graceless person on the planet. Unless she’s cooking, then she’s okay.  32 – 33 in July. But who’s counting. Another trip around the sun is a good one.  Short and skinny, but will pick a fight. And win it too. Shaggy blue/black hair.…

  • September Book Thoughts

    I only read eight books in September. Feels a little light for my normal reading speed. But I felt like I was in a reading slump for a while there. A few things I read in August weirded me out and it was hard to get into some of the books I picked this month.…

  • The Sweet Water Affliction

    -3 Weeks Later- “Thomas, I’m scared,” Shayna said after the nurse left the room. She was in labor and felt overwhelmed and trapped in her hospital bed. The IV in one wrist and the fetal monitors strapped across her bulging belly confined her to the spot, and she wanted nothing more than to tear them…

  • Story Roundup

    Every year I group together my favorite short stories and publish them as a collection. This year I’ve written a significantly larger amount of stories than in the past and I have quite the task ahead of me to pick which ones to include in the book. After I pick the stories, I give them…

  • Unblock Your Novel!

    Unleash Your Creativity and Conquer Writer’s Block Once and For All! Are you a writer struggling to find your creative flow and overcome the dreaded writer’s block? Look no further! Introducing Unblock Your Novel: A Simple Guide to getting Unstuck in your Writing, your ultimate guide to defeating writer’s block and reigniting your writing passion.…

  • A Rant about Reviews

    Book reviews are for the readers. They always have been. And they are also extremely subjective. If you didn’t like a book, that is completely your opinion. Other people can share your opinion, but you are not “correct” in your opinion. And other people aren’t “wrong” for disagreeing with you. Now, if you rate a…

  • Shower Time

    Tired and grimy from a long day, I was eager to get to the shower the second I arrived home. I bee-lined for the bathroom. I turned on the shower to warm up and hurried into my walk-in closet to take off my dirty work clothes. As I pulled my shirt over my head, the…

  • A Game of Hearts and Heists

    This book was such a joy to read. The voice and tone was such a great change of pace to other strictly romance books I’ve read. Because this was definitely much more than just a lesbian romance. This had action, and mystery, and fantasy – and then of course the steamy scenes too. But the…

  • Other Hobbies?

    Someone asked me recently what I like to do for fun. And I said, well I read and write books. And they said, “no, what are your other hobbies?” Other hobbies? Okay, so obviously there are other things I do with my time. (I think.) But writing and reading are always my go-to answers. Because…

  • August Book Thoughts

    I read ten books in the month of August. There was a good variety in formats and topics. I branched out into some different genres and styles and, even though I didn’t quite enjoy them all, it was a nice change of pace to see what else was out there. Let’s get into it. Tender…