• When the Rains Came *Final Part*

    The believers took a few days rest after team two blew up the sink hole. The rain had stopped, but the sky was still overcast, and high wind tugged at anything that braved the outdoors. On the third day, they regrouped. Annie held her door open as everyone came in to sit down. She watched…

  • When the Rains Came Part 12

    The following weekend, the believers regrouped. Officer Davis brought two other officers with him. He’d talked to them about the evidence and managed to bring them around to their way of thinking. Best of all, they had a plan. “Okay everyone, Officer Davis –“ “Please, just Bradley,” he interrupted Drew. “Bradley and his two fellow…

  • DIY MFA writing prompt

    The article from February 2012 asks “When did your love affair with writing begin?” When I was around seven years old, my little sister wanted me to tell her a story. I could have just picked one off the shelf to read her, but something made me want to write one instead. I had a…

  • When the Rains Came Part 11

    “We all made it back. We’re safe. Take a deep breath,” Annie was trying to comfort Drew. He was rocking back and forth in her kitchen chair, staring at the floor with a blank expression. “But those people… All those homes… Children…” “Drew!” Stephen walked up and slapped his face. “Snap out of it!” “Hey!”…

  • When the Rains Came Part 10

    Storm Season Day 51 We’re going out to the sinkhole today. As much as I want to have an answer to all of this, a small part of me hopes we find nothing. I don’t want to put anyone at risk. We already have too many missing. I’d blame myself if we lost another. I’m…

  • When the Rains Came Part 9

    “I’d like to first thank Annie,” Drew waved towards where she sat at the back of the kitchen, “for letting us have this emergency meeting in her apartment. Second, I’d like to thank all of ya’ll for coming on such short notice. I know we’re usually hunkered down when a storm is blowing in, but…


    Continuing on my journey with this amazing website. I’ve subscribed to the podcast and have been listening to it on my drive to and from work everyday. I’ve also gotten a few more articles in on my reading. So that brings us to… Progress Report • What obstacles have you faced over the past year?…

  • When the Rains Came part 8

    “What’s going on?” Annie held the door open as Drew and Stephen carried in boxes from the car. “We need to fortify the apartment. There isn’t a storm shelter nearby and we still have a few more weeks to survive.” Stephen set his box in front of the large glass patio doors. “There’s a lot…


    Recently I was reading a post by my favorite blogger, Kristen Lamb, and I clicked the link for DIY MFA. I feel like a giant nerd for getting so excited about what I read on the website, but I guess if the glasses fit. So, I click to the very first post so I can start…

  • When the Rains Came Part 7

    Drew paced his apartment, worrying about Annie. They’d exchanged numbers, he’d given her a basket full of bluebonnets and yet… He still didn’t feel like she was safe enough. “Dude,” Stephen poked his head out of his bedroom door, his eyes half shut. “Quit trying to wear a hole in the ground and just go…