• Author Life

  • Writer’s Block Tips

    Today I wanted to explore a different way to work through writer’s block. Because it’s not all about the literal writing. Sometimes it is just your headspace that is blocked. I’ve tried a few different things when in this situation and I want to share with you how it went. First, we have meditation. When…

  • A Letter in the Desk

    Martin opened the door and composed his shock in mere seconds when he saw who stood on his doorstep. “Kelly. I didn’t know we were expecting you.” Martin held his arm out to gesture Kelly into the house. “I believe Olivia is upstairs.” “Olivia didn’t tell you? We have a lady’s who lunch meeting this…

  • The Monster of Snake’s Pass

    “I can’t believe you guys are going to bail on me.” Stephanie gripped the straps on her duffel bag and slung it over the side of the truck, where it thudded into the bed. “I thought we were all going together.” Jennifer and Lucas exchanged a look. Will shook his head. “Steph, we were all…

  • Secret Valentine

    Chris wasn’t sure what to make of it. The bear and heart-shaped box of chocolates were self-explanatory. But the card threw him off. Why don’t you have the guts to text me? I know you have my number. Chris had lots of girls’ numbers. It was one of his points of pride in his single…

  • Morally Grey Characters

  • Up a Mountain

    I had been carrying the body of my friend for days. When I began, Olivia was still breathing. Now, I wasn’t so sure. But I kept on walking, and I didn’t want to put her down. We’d left the wreckage eleven days ago. We were among a large group of survivors then. At least fifty…

  • Imaginary Friend

    Marjorie Mullens flipped a pancake in one pan and mixed shredded cheese into the scrambled eggs in the pen on the back burner. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and checked on the toaster. Then she heard the patter of feet as her daughter trotted down the stairs into the kitchen.…

  • Lock Your Doors

    I was swimming in the ocean, waves cresting overhead. My toes squished in the sand and the sun warmed my face and the top of my head. It was glorious. And an alarm was going off. I pushed off with my legs and launched my body forward into the water, splashing gracelessly, headfirst. When I…

  • Tip Your Delivery Driver

    It was a normal Tuesday when Melissa ordered Taco Bell for a late-night snack. Her roommate, Felicia, popped her head out of her room and her eyes were lit up in anticipation. Melissa laughed and shook her head. “What do you want? The potato taco?” Melissa opened her food delivery app on her phone and…