• Attack at the Museum

                Jessica, Michelle, Steven, and Joel pushed a curtain aside and entered the last room of the museum. The walls curved up into a dome with rafters crossing the open area; the skylight highlighting the red rug in the center. Directly across from them was another curtain with the dull light of the EXIT sign…

  • April Reads

    Another successful month of reading under my belt. I read five books and marked another off my reading list. Two were physical books, but I’m coming to love audiobooks more and more. Especially because this month I finally got a library card and downloaded the Libby app, so I have unlimited access to audiobooks now…

  • March Reads

    March was a great month for reading! I read seven books and two were on my reading list for the year. I’ve read seventeen books so far this year and I’m right on track to meet my goal of fifty-five, if not surpass it. But I still won’t get my hopes up, just in case…

  • Now Write Exercise Two

    Now Write Exercise Two – Jule Selbo Pick the clear genre (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or thriller – I picked horror) The first scene needs to make it clear and also introduce the character List possible sub-genres to support your story (I picked paranormal) Frame the story in the overriding genre ** So I didn’t feel…

  • February Reading

             Another month of reading wins down. I read five books again, and even though it’s too early to tell, I feel like this is setting a great trend of my reading for the entire year. If I can keep this rate up, I’ll surpass my reading goal again. But I will not get my…

  • Now Write Writing Exercise

    Writing exercise from NOW WRITE! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror exercise book. Exercise one, Steven Saus. Pick an image (I used a random image generator) Pick only one element of the image (I picked the broken tree in the background) Repeat for a cross idea (random image generator, I picked birds) Force the ideas together…

  • New Book Alert!

    Back at the beginning of the year, I made a game plan to achieve multiple goals this year. One of those goals was to release another collection of short stories. And it’s ready! Spoiler alert, it’s stories that were previously published on this blog, but with another run through of edits to make sure they’re…

  • January Reads

                First month of reading down and I’m out of the gates at a sprint. Hopefully, I can keep up this momentum. I read five books and one was on my reading list for the year. I physically read two of them, and the other three were on audio. But I’m getting better at finding…

  • State of Mind – A Writing Exercise

    *Exercise from Naming the World. State of Mind. Explore a character’s thoughts before having them plunge into an action* There were so many things in life that I thought I would accomplish before now. I wanted to finish college and buy a house. I wanted to get married and have a baby. I thought I’d…

  • December Reads

             I don’t know about you guys, but I finished 2020 with a bang. I read five books in December, exceeded my goal of reading fifty books for the year, and checked off the last few books on my reading list. Pair that with filling in my list for this year and diving right into…