• Jillian’s New Powers

                I stood at the edge of our land and looked out over the woods below. The wind whipped my hair around my face, and it stuck in my mouth and the corners of my eyes. From a distance, the bright red color must have looked like a flame. The idea left me craving a…

  • A Book from Long Ago

    When I was nineteen, I wrote books about vampires and werewolves and other magical stuff. Because I love that stuff. Anyway, this is one of them. And on Thursday you can read the first chapter. Let me know if it sounds like something that needs to be fully rewritten for the world to see.

  • A Witch’s Prelude

    *The following is a pre-writing exercise for my current writing project. Jaycie is the antagonist and here is a look inside her head on where her anger comes from*             I remember the first day I saw Nadine. It was my third day of final school and she was in the graduating class, four years…

  • June Reads

                Another nine books down last month. I seriously cannot express how much I am loving the Libby app right now. I never would have thought I’d be just thirteen books away from my goal for the year at the start of July. It makes me wonder if I can get to 100 books in…

  • An Ode to Audiobooks

      Dear Audiobooks,   Without you in my life, I don’t know where I would be. Reading in print takes so much time and devoted energy that I just never have anymore. But then I found you, sweet audio, and my life has changed forever. Once I was able to devour multiple paperbacks and hardbacks…

  • My Nightmare

             The team gathered at the sight of the fire. James carried the boxes and trash bags to the card table Ben had set up. Nancy passed out the goggles, masks, and gloves. Rhonda sat with Ben at the table to pull the large rubber boots over her tennis shoes. I hung back by the…

  • May Reads 2021

                Another crazy month of reading down and I tore through NINE books. I’m also now at thirty-one reads for the year out of my fifty-five book goal. Obviously, I’m going to make that with no problem. Audiobooks have really been a game-changer for me. As for my overall reading list, I’ve marked off eight…

  • Cover Reveal

    My new book is ready for preorder and will be out on July 31st! And look at this beautiful cover! I love it so much, I can’t stop staring at it. If you’d like to read two prequel scenes, visit bookfunnel and sign up for my mailing list. You’ll get to meet the main character,…

  • Writing Tips 5

             As I plot out my next book and finish up the first draft of my writing tips project, I keep coming back to the subject of character development. Because we all know that the most important part of any book is who the stuff happens to. If no one cares about your main character,…

  • A Thing Called Spud

    We’d always wanted a family pet. To say that Mom and Dad weren’t pleased with what we brought home would be an understatement. Mom’s crinkled lip and Dad’s blatant disgust spoke louder than their objections. But it only made us want it more. We named him Spud. At least, we think it was a he.…